A bit mad today, i was hoping my wife gonna help me with my blog entry, but instead she just smile and slept, isn't that great? well, its my first blog entry and I'm really not quite sure if my grammar is right, so i need her assistance in constructing a sentence coz I'm really not that good in English, and for the topic, I'm really not quite sure if i got a topic.
while sitting in front of the PC and played(bot) my favorite mmorpg (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) called silkroad online "aka" SRO, i was thinking since i don't do anything important, why not construct an entry for my blog, but my problem is always the topic, so i was thinking, why not make Silkroad my topic, i love the game so why not.
Silkroad Online is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) which was recently in beta testing, but was fully released on 21 Februar
y 2006. It was created by the South Korean company Joymax. Much of the background of the game is based on the historical Silk Road, it is based on the history of trading in China along the Silk Road, a historical network of trade routes in Southern Asia. The game attempts to reproduce the Silk Road in a much smaller scale, looking realistic and at the same time incorporating fantasy elements as the use of special magical skills and abilities. One of the game's most noted features is allowing players with the option(jobs) of three different roles(Hunter, Trader and Thief) after achieving character level 20,The game has 30 server at this moment, can accommodate 3500 in each servers the major problem of this games was the traffic, that means you cannot log in freely, you have just to wait and make more attempt to connect till the someone in your server get's disconnected, if you can wait. I'm on Athen server with 2 characters(lvl 82 int nuker and lvl64 rogue/cleric). If your interested try to sign up at SilkRoadOnline.net and well see you there.
while sitting in front of the PC and played(bot) my favorite mmorpg (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) called silkroad online "aka" SRO, i was thinking since i don't do anything important, why not construct an entry for my blog, but my problem is always the topic, so i was thinking, why not make Silkroad my topic, i love the game so why not.
Silkroad Online is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) which was recently in beta testing, but was fully released on 21 Februar
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